Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Ethiopia - Bonde - 2024
Ethiopia - Bonde - 2024

Ethiopia - Bonde - 2024

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Israel Degefa






SNNP (Southern Nation Nationality and peoples region)







Tasting Notes

Jasmine, Kumquat and Apricot


In the rich tapestry of Ethiopia’s coffee industry, Israel Degefa stands as a towering figure, blending tradition with innovation. His name is synonymous with the highest standards of coffee production, both as a seasoned farmer and as the CEO of Kerchanshe Trading, Ethiopia's largest coffee producer and exporter. Degefa’s impact on the coffee landscape of Ethiopia extends far beyond the beans; it’s about elevating the livelihoods of farmers, nurturing sustainable practices, and preserving the exquisite heritage of Ethiopian coffee.

Israel Degefa’s journey in coffee began not in the boardrooms of Addis Ababa but in the fertile highlands of Ethiopia, where his father managed a coffee mill. This early exposure to the nuances of coffee production ingrained in him a deep respect for the land and the farmers who cultivate it. Today, this respect forms the cornerstone of his business philosophy. Degefa’s commitment to quality and fair trade practices has earned him the trust of countless smallholder farmers, who see him not just as a buyer, but as a partner in their journey towards prosperity.

In the heart of the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples' Region (SNNP), in the lush Gedeo Zone, lies the town of Kochere. Here, at an elevation of 1900 meters above sea level, Degefa’s coffee grows in the fertile soils that have nurtured some of Ethiopia's most prized beans. The unique subtropical climate and the high elevation allow for the slow maturation of the coffee cherries, a process that enriches the beans with complex flavors and a vibrant acidity that is a hallmark of Ethiopian coffee.

The coffee from Kochere is of the 74113 variety, a selection known for its resilience and distinctive flavor profile. Grown in the nutrient-rich soils of the region and nurtured under Degefa’s meticulous care, these beans undergo a washed processing method at the Bonde Wet Mill, one of the 63 washing stations operated by Kerchanshe Trading. This process, coupled with a careful 14-day drying period, ensures that the beans retain their bright acidity and floral notes, creating a cup that is both refreshing and full of character.

Israel Degefa’s approach to coffee production is deeply rooted in sustainability and quality. At the Ana Sora estate in the Guji Zone, which he developed, the altitude ranges from 1900 to 2350 meters above sea level, allowing for a diverse range of microclimates that contribute to the unique flavor profiles of the coffee. This estate is a rare gem in Ethiopia, where most coffee is grown on smallholder plots. Here, Degefa has managed to create a model of large-scale, sustainable coffee farming that not only produces exceptional coffee but also provides a livelihood for many in the community.

In addition to his estates, Degefa sources coffee from smallholder farmers, ensuring that they receive fair prices and access to resources that help improve the quality of their crops. This symbiotic relationship between Degefa and the farmers is central to the success of Kerchanshe Trading. It’s not just about buying coffee; it’s about fostering growth and development within the community.

Israel Degefa’s impact on the Ethiopian coffee industry cannot be overstated. His vision for the future is one where Ethiopian coffee continues to hold its place on the global stage as a symbol of quality and sustainability. Through his leadership at Kerchanshe Trading, Degefa is not just selling coffee; he’s telling a story of tradition, innovation, and a deep commitment to the people who make it all possible.

As you sip this coffee from Kochere, remember that you’re tasting the fruits of a legacy built on passion, respect, and a relentless pursuit of excellence, which you can read more about on our blog.


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