Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Costa Rica - Vera Blanca - A Conversation with Fransisco Mena.

Costa Rica is back for 2nd year in a row!

Normally we would be discussing our visit to Vara Blanca and how we said G'day to producer Ernesto Jose Valverde Solis.

As you know that is not possible this year with the COVID virus hanging around so we did the next best thing. We called up Francisco Mena of Exclusive Coffees of San Jose Costa Rica and had epic chat. Check it out.

Topics discussed

How is Los Angeles “going?”

How is Tectonic’s Business?

Costa Rica’s profound social reforms

The Costa Rica army or lack of

Costa Rica’s Health system

Getting stuck in Costa Rica

Micro Mill Revolution and it’s democratization of processing cherry

Don Ernest 3rd generation farmer

Dota Valley Coffee variety experimentation

COVID Virus and it’s unknown impact on the Micro Mill Revolution

Honey process, the good and the bad.

COVID preparedness

Is Costa Rica still a 100% Arabica only country?

Best of India 2009

In this video is Deaton Pigot and Francisco Mena. 

1 comment

  • Bring back this coffee. It was my favorite


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