Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Collection: Earthmover Coffee Project

Unearth a World of Flavor with Earthmover Coffee Project 

Embark on a global coffee journey, brought to you by Tectonic Coffee Company, Los Angeles.

Welcome to the Earthmover Coffee Project, a transformative coffee experience like no other. We at Tectonic Coffee Company are proud to bring you this exclusive line of coffees, each boasting unique varieties and processing methods and flavors that are as diverse as the regions they come from.
We go to the ends of the earth to source the most exotic, in-season beans we can find. Our goal? To give you a coffee experience that's constantly evolving, always exciting, and only sold by the batch.


Earthmover T-Shirt
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Earthmover Sticker
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Kids Earthmover T-Shirt
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