Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Collection: Tectonic Blends

Experience the Art of Tectonic Coffee Blends

Delight your palate with Tectonic Coffee blends, meticulously crafted by our founder, Deaton Pigot, who brings over 18+ years of experience in procuring the finest coffee beans from around the world. Roasted in Los Angeles, our blends are designed as stepping stones into more adventurous coffee experiences, ensuring a harmonious and delicious cup every time.

Approachable and Consistent Flavor Profiles Our year-round blends are expertly crafted with espresso preparation in mind, providing coffee enthusiasts with consistent and approachable flavor profiles. Each blend is a gateway to specialty coffee, inviting the coffee curious to explore beyond big chain offerings.

Discover Our Signature Blends: 

  1. Shockwave (Gourmet scale roast degree 65): A rich, traditional blend featuring 70% Brazil coffee, complemented by 30% of seasonal direct trade coffee from Honduras or Peru. Perfect for espresso or brewed coffee with milk and sugar.
  2. Shift the same blend as Shockwave (Gourmet scale 75): A lighter, modern take on traditional coffee, with 70% Brazil coffee and 30% Peru or Central American coffee. Approachable, comforting, and enjoyed without the need for any extras.
  3. Drift (Gourmet scale 75): A gentle step towards more adventurous flavors, featuring 60% Brazil coffee, 20% Honduras or Peru coffee, and 20% Ethiopian coffee. This blend offers clarity and a "cherry on top" je ne sais quoi that excites the senses.
  4. Tectonic Blend (Gourmet scale 77): Our award-winning flagship blend, showcasing 30% Ethiopian coffee and 70% Colombian coffee with classic raisin notes. A fresh and thrilling experience that sets it apart from our other blends.

Embark on a Flavorful Journey with Tectonic Coffee Blends Explore the diverse and captivating world of coffee with Tectonic's expertly crafted blends. Each blend offers a unique flavor experience, guiding you from traditional tastes to more adventurous flavors. Savor the art of blending with Tectonic Coffee and elevate your coffee experience to new heights.

Tectonic Blend
Regular price
Sale price
Cherry, Caramel, Chocolate
Colombia, Ethiopia
Drift Blend
Regular price
Sale price
Dark Chocolate, Caramel, Stonefruit
Brazil, Honduras, Ethiopia
Shift Blend
Regular price
Sale price
Hazelnut, Milk Chocolate, Browned Almond
Brazil, Honduras
Shockwave Blend
Regular price
Sale price
Darker Cousin of Shift
Brazil, Honduras
Instant Coffee - Tectonic Blend
Regular price
Sale price
Cherry, Caramel, Chocolate
Colombia, Ethiopia

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