Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Drift Blend
Drift Blend
Drift Blend

Drift Blend

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Tasting Notes: 
Stone fruit

20% Guatemala
20% Ethiopia

For more on this seismograph see this video

A Gateway to Acidity and Adventure, Award-Winning Excellence

Discover the captivating flavors of our Drift blend, winner of the Bronze Medal in the 2022 Golden Bean Awards for Espresso in Milk. Expertly crafted with 60% Brazil coffee, 20% Honduras or Peru coffee, and 20% Ethiopian coffee, Drift offers a gentle introduction to the world of acidity and exotic flavors. With a "cherry on top" je ne sais quoi that excites the senses, this award-winning blend will awaken your curiosity and inspire your taste buds to explore new horizons.

Don't forget to check out our video explanation on our blends over on our stories HERE. The blends are designed to take you on a flavor journey as you explore our menu. 


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