Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Roaster's Choice!

  • We have some exciting news regarding your subscription service! After 6 months of Beta testing we have taken note of what you like and don’t like.

    We will be going into more detail about how our new program will work in the coming weeks, but here is the snapshot.

    What we know is that you want more control in the service you choose. Blind tasting is fun but you wish to have the ability to pick your cadence. You now will be able to choose between blends or single origin coffees. How much coffee you want, whether you want coffee every week, every 2 weeks, or every month, you get to decide.

    The official launch with an entire website refresh is Feb 4 so for those of you who have subscribed, this week you have received a 12 oz. box of a stunning coffee from D.R. Congo called Muungano. We have been following this story since 2012 as the D.R.Congo recovered from civil war. It is now producing some of the most exciting coffees coming out of Africa.

    We care about your views, so as of today you will be able to skip or cancel the next shipment and all shipments moving forward.

    Rest assured we will still find the best coffees that Mother Nature can produce and roast it to the coffee's natural sweetness.

    Thanks to those of you who took part in our Inner Core crowd sourced blend and to all who have visited our store and supported our small business.

    Deaton Pigot - Founder
  • Tasting Notes

    Honey, Plum, Spiced Wine.

  • Brew Guide

    • Water Temp200
    • Dose (How Much Coffee)28g
    • Grind SettingMedium
    • Bloom Water weight60g
    • Bloom Time60s
    • Total Water Weight415g
    • Total Time3-3:30
    • NotesBe sure to rinse your filter thoroughly with hot water! Be sure to use a slow, even, circular pour starting on the outside and spiraling in!

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