Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Drift Blend 12oz
Tectonic Coffee Coffee Drift Blend 12oz
Drift Subscription - Save 20%

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Tasting Notes: 
Stone fruit

40% Guatemala
20% Ethiopia

The Drift Blend:

An all-arounder with a creamy body and delightfully rounded sweetness with stone fruit undertones and tea-like finish. This is a step up from our classic coffees, Shift and Shockwave blend as it introduces an Ethiopian coffee to cap the flavor off nicely.

This blend is for those who are starting to appreciate acidity but want to keep one toe in familiar waters because of that Brazil coffee which is mighty delicious. 

This coffee is sure to please a wide array of palates across all brew methods and places itself perfectly in between Shift and Tectonic blend a perfect stepping stone when graduating to more adventurous coffees.

Don't forget to check out our video explanation on our blends over on our stories HERE. The blends are designed to take you on a flavor journey as you explore our menu. 


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