Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Big Betty Explained

Why Big Betty?

To answer that question we have to go way back to when our founder and CEO Deaton was but a wee child playing in the sand with his Tonka Truck

He developed an affinity to the hard working Australian bloke who toiled away at his 9 to 5 job with dirty hands and sweat on his brow. Or so he says...

Tonka Truck


It wasn't long before his father introduced him to the miracles of Mike, no not Magic Mike the original one, Mike Mulligan and his Steam Shovel. A book originally created during America's great depression, remade and sold across the globe to wide acclaim. 

If you have not read any the books do yourself a favor, go and grab one, the philosophies in them are not lost in today's world.

Fast forward to the birth of Tectonic Coffee, a company that is earth moving, that seamlessly blends artisanal practices with new age technologies. That will shift the earth beneath their own feet to get the greatest coffees ever sourced, but was missing a mascot. 

Big Betty was created, no she is not a bird, not a house or a truck. She is 100% a hard working earth mover with the biggest heart and eyes that remind us of Betty Boop

Big Betty ladies and gentlemen. 

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