Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Delivery Day - #COVID19LIFE

We wanted to explain this video before we get into it. We have been playing around with ideas for a podcast ever since we started our business 4 years ago. One idea that got traction was to record the podcasts while we're doing deliveries. So this video is a riff on that idea.


Don't feel obliged to watch this while it is playing, rather, like a podcast put it on and listen to it as you get on with your day with the audio on in the background. In todays film-cast Deaton discusses:


What business is like today

How cafes are performing,

Some observations on Green Coffee Importers

Answers a twitter question on danger pay and gives "big ups" to our new hero Sam from USPS.


If you like this long format, let us know and we will expand on it and have some fun with it.

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