Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays

Wholesale Pricing For All - COVID19 - Update 2.0

Thank you for taking part in our wholesale price opportunities during the COVID19 crisis.! We hope you are safe and sound at home. 

What we originally thought was a compassionate gesture for our family, friends and associates working from home, has now turned into a valuable lifeline for our staff and company.

The hospitality industry has been hit incredibly hard. We have seen around 50% of our customers shut their doors to ride out the Virus. The customers that remain open have switched to a “to go” model and are reporting around 50% to 75% drop in sales. 

The trickle down effect is real and we ourselves have seen a 52% drop in sales and volume. This means we have had to reduce the shifts available to our staff. 

We are keeping our staff constantly informed and up to date with CA Health and Safety practices for COVID19. All of our staff have in their possession  a letter from our business and the order from Governor Gavin Newsom that allows us to work and travel to and from work according to the current State of California order.

We can still use your help!
As we mentioned, our website has proven to be a critical piece to our survival. Home sales have more than quadrupled and now represents close to 50% of our total sales.

So we are asking, if you enjoyed our coffee please share with your Family, Friends and Work colleagues. We would love all the social media help we can get!


IG: @tectonic_coffee

Facebook: Tectonic Coffee Co.

Twitter: @tectonic_coffee

Your support is helping to keep our staff employed, our business afloat and the local economy chugging along even if it cannot sprint at the moment. 

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for taking time to read our letter and for the continued support!

We’re all in this together. 

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