Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays


From Ashes to Excellence: The Inspiring Story of Suke Quto Farm

From Ashes to Excellence: The Inspiring Story of Suke Quto Farm

In the heart of Ethiopia’s Guji Zone, amidst the rolling highlands and volcanic soils of Odo Shakisso woreda, a remarkable story of resilience unfo...
The Legacy of Ethiopian Coffee: How Israel Degefa is Shaping the Future

The Legacy of Ethiopian Coffee: How Israel Degefa is Shaping the Future

Israel Degefa’s journey in coffee is deeply rooted in the traditions of his homeland. Growing up in a coffee-producing region, Degefa was immersed ...
The Revival of Aricha: A Journey of Transformation and Excellence

The Revival of Aricha: A Journey of Transformation and Excellence

This is the story of Aricha's remarkable revival, a journey driven by the vision and dedication of Faysel Abdosh and Testi Coffee, transforming a n...
A Cup Full of Stories: The Layered Narratives of Shakisso Coffee

A Cup Full of Stories: The Layered Narratives of Shakisso Coffee

In the verdant highlands of Ethiopia's Guji region, the Shakisso farm sprawls across a landscape that is as rich in history as it is in coffee. Thi...
Local Landraces and JARC Selections Varieties in Ethiopian Coffee

Local Landraces and JARC Selections Varieties in Ethiopian Coffee

Ethiopia is widely regarded as the birthplace of coffee, and it is home to a diverse range of coffee varieties that are native to specific regions ...
Golden Bean Awards 2022

Golden Bean Awards 2022

We had an incredible year this year at the Golden Bean Awards which is dubbed the largest coffee roasting competition on the planet.
In 2008 it all changed.

In 2008 it all changed.

In 2008 it all changed… You might have noticed that we have been going back and forth between coop coffee and single producer coffees. I know th...
How Did Ethiopia Handle The Pandemic?

How Did Ethiopia Handle The Pandemic?

We decided to have a chat to Samuel Dimisse from Keffe Imports to find out exactly how Ethiopia handled the virus or if they even needed to?

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