Roasting Sundays & Shipping Mondays


Pedro Echaverria Part 2.

Pedro Echaverria Part 2.

Here we go, we have just released the 2nd lot from Pedro and we KNOW you have been anxiously waiting for part 2 of the podcast. Have you tried any...
Deaton Pigot

Peru - A Conversation with Aleco Chigounis

We had a great conversation with Aleco of Red Fox, to celebrate our release of a fantastic coffee from Finca La Guaba Peru. This coffee is an exce...
Costa Rica - Vera Blanca - A Conversation with Fransisco Mena.

Costa Rica - Vera Blanca - A Conversation with Fransisco Mena.

Costa Rica is back for 2nd year in a row! Normally we would be discussing our visit to Vara Blanca and how we said G'day to producer Ernesto Jos...
Curators Cup Podcast.

Curators Cup Podcast.

In this episode with Curators Cup Podcast, talking with Trent Timbrook, Deaton Pigot gives some back story into his life and coffee career. 
Deaton and Chelsea Pigot


Deaton and Chelsea Pigot discuss the current state of business on the Coffee Cafe Podcast.

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